I want to be like you.
Give me one tit or more.
Cut off my balls, and I
Slowly becoming whore.
I want to be a whore!
I want to be a whore!
I want to fuck for money on this bed behind this door!
I understand how you
Able to fuck my brain,
And I suffer now
From this monthly pain.
And all your problems are
So exciting me.
I began to sell
All my holes for free.
And now I have boyfriend.
He satisfies my needs.
I’m shocked of whom
He decided to be.
He cut off his balls
He asked me for tits.
What the hell is wrong?
God please answer me!
/God answers:/
He want to be a whore!
He want to be a whore!
He want to fuck for money on this bed behind this door!