A man who addicted to silence

I found a man who addicted to silence.
I tried to talk, but he won’t listen at all.
Then I described what I want with my fingers
He understood what I want to control.

He said:

Without words this life is more simple.
If you don’t listen, you don’t bother at all.
Then people write to you, thinking together
That you want to take out control.

These letters, and printed newspapers
Containing words that means nothing to you.
You only read the beloved ones
Wondering how they turn false to true.

You fill the void with your great thinking.
Your thoughts are private, and nobody knows
What will you do, and in what purpose
Was started this ugly show.

And you control these minds below you.
They do not know these plans in your brain.
If you won’t talk then you won’t to listen.
And you unreachable for all kinds of pain.

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