Category Archives: поэзия типа

My long list

We can never find peace.
We do not trust to each other.
And I’m making long list,
Separating one from another.

I put hate to the left,
To grave I put my lovers.
There is nothing to right,
Nothing left here, brothers.

And it’s time to confess.
We did our best.
And ruined our lives.
We are drowning in lies.
And this love I’m for.
Just looks like a war.
I’m raising my fist.
I have made my long list!

I don’t feel I’m alive.
But I know what to do, brothers.
Long black bold line
Goes through my life.

And it helps me to breathe.
If there is no air.
Now I plan to ignite
My punishing fire.


It will be without me

I love the day we met.
I thought it never ends.
But something changed inside you
And you became

The bitch I love to hate.

You’re changing day from day.
Sometimes you’re sweet,
But most of it

Is a dirty lie.

And I have made wrong choice.
Don’t listen to the voice
That screamed in me
To set you free.

And now I am

A man without love.
I’m thinking it’s enough.
Let’s kick you, baby,

In your face

And leave this place.

And you with all your fears,
With all your false tears.
And with your pearls,

And with your girls.

They’ll help you to became
A woman I can’t blame.
But if it happens
It will be

Without me.
Without me.

Я пьян.

И в чаде кутежа решать кто прав уж не достойно.
Я предлагаю взять бокал и выпить за покойную.

За совесть выпить, за мораль.
За то, что мне сейчас так жаль,
Что я веду себя спокойно.
Хотя и кое-кто считает, недостойно.

Я пьян.

Что тут еще сказать? Налейте.
Хотя подождите-ка. Забейте.
Есть мысль, её нужно рассказать.
А давайте угорать.

Чего ты вдруг сидишь с серьезной миной?
А не тебя, случайно, вдруг, зовут Алиной?
Хотя я не запомню, мне насрать.
Давайте, угорая, выпивать.

Я пьян.

Пока что все прекрасно. Есть алкоголь, компания и фан.
Но скоро будет утро, будет больно.
И я пойму наверное, какой я уебан.

I’m happy to see and I hope

My decisions are clear as my mind today.
I decided to throw all my bottles away.
I’m happy to see, I’m sober, I’m thinking too much.

I’m running upstairs, missing so many things.
I’m willing to see what the end often brings.
I’m happy to see that the light in the end wants my touch.

This strange feeling inside, I think something is wrong.
I suppose it is hot, but I feel it is cold.
I’m happy to see, that maybe, I’m still right.

My last chance to believe is melting right now.
I can not imagine, I don’t understand how
There is nothing to see except missing bright light.

It is end of the stairs leading me to the void.
But I can not go back – everything was destroyed.
I’m happy to see that at least I reached the end.

So many people I left, so many things were not done.
And I walked through life on my own alone.
I’m happy to see, I missed these useless trends.

I’m consoling myself, I just need this one step.
I divided from void, I just want this to end.
To be happy I need some advice to make this last choice.

And I hope here to hear your loud voice.

Дыханье лиц

Я, понатасканный ветрами,
Узнаю дыханье лиц.
Ты, не готовый к встрече с нами,
Сразу падаешь на ниц.

Я плету сети из желаний,
Темный смысл где-то там в них скрыт.
Среди полученных мной знаний
Тихо истина сидит.

Я не устал, но я уж на пределе.
Мне надоела эта суета.
Я не хочу остаться в этом теле,
Пока мой разум не сгорел дотла.

Мои пожары – в них горели души.
И даже дьявол их не мог спасти.
Зачем спасать, ведь все эти туши
Не стоят даже центов и пяти!

Оставь меня, пока еще не поздно.
Забудь о том, как говорил со мной.
Вставай с колен, твоя еще дорога
Пока еще не сломана тобой.

Возьми вот это, тут часть моих желаний.
Тут истина, и темный смысл скрыт.
Прошу тебя, найди для этих знаний
Того, кто узнает дыханье лиц.

No patches or saves

When somebody died,
Then somebody’s right.
And somebody lost
His will and his force.
Somebody just won.
But what does it mean to you?

Yes, we all will end our life in graves.
And in this war there are no patches or saves.
We must fight for the right,
for our truth, that we’ll lose in battles.
And again I complain there are no patches or saves.

I remember their plan to conquer the world.
I remember how many words they have told.
I sorry that I was believing in this dirty lie.

Please help me, protect me, I just want to stay alive.


I just want to admit I however received
Some medals.
But I’m not proud of these bodies
With nine gram metals.
And when my medals outside
And their metals inside.
I don’t feel it is right and I continue my fight

And I swear my message will knock to your empty head.
Until every kind of you will be dead.

Grain of sand

Tons of days have passed.
I don’t wanna to look back.
Scream turned to whisper.
Now I can’t ever hear.

Can’t find sun below the sunset.
It’s hiding somewhere else.
My life is a night life
Till I will kill myself.

These empty streets are full of
Undisclosed pain.
And I’m like a dust sand
Now beaten by the rain.

I can’t even move on,
I’m nailed to the ground.
The only way to die here,
Without any sound.

I’m covered with pleasure
By leaf from the tree.
And one of gusts of wind
Sometime will set me free.

A man who addicted to silence

I found a man who addicted to silence.
I tried to talk, but he won’t listen at all.
Then I described what I want with my fingers
He understood what I want to control.

He said:

Without words this life is more simple.
If you don’t listen, you don’t bother at all.
Then people write to you, thinking together
That you want to take out control.

These letters, and printed newspapers
Containing words that means nothing to you.
You only read the beloved ones
Wondering how they turn false to true.

You fill the void with your great thinking.
Your thoughts are private, and nobody knows
What will you do, and in what purpose
Was started this ugly show.

And you control these minds below you.
They do not know these plans in your brain.
If you won’t talk then you won’t to listen.
And you unreachable for all kinds of pain.

I like this life a lot

I’ve got a broken heart and a dirty soul.
And you know what?
I don’t care at all.
When I often hear someone needs a help,
I just want to see how he goes to hell.

I deny respect, who are you to rate
My ideal trust in myself and fate?
I can fuck your wife, I can kill your cat.
It’s fortune for you that we never met.

Meanwhile let me say again.
I’m fucking, drinking, smoking man.
I’m mature, yes, but I’m not too old.
I can say that I love this life a lot.

I can drink whole day, that’s how I exist
I’m dick in ass as your clearly see.
But you’re not a gay. And it’s sounds so sad.
I remember how I fucked your dad.

It was lovely night, he was riding bike.
After night he clicked in Facebook like.
Don’t be angry, bud, everything’s okay.
There is nothing wrong to be a gay.


Ей на др.

Хочу поздравить с днем рожденья,
И, между прочим, рассказать.
Что за прошлый год везенья
Успела сделать и кем стать.

Ты стопроцентно стала мамой,
Хотя и девушка на треть.
И за такое достиженье
Готовы многие мереть.

Ты прошла огонь и воду.
Поликлиники, суды.
И за прошлый год, признайся,
Много утекло воды.

Но сквозь ссоры и обиду,
Пробивается вперед,
Такой веселый и счастливый
Двадцать пятый, новый год.

Желаю лучшего повсюду.
Желаю, как бы так сказать,
Того, что не желают люди,
Что Бог может только пожелать.

Будь сильной, это много значит.
Прекрасной, чтобы другие могли тебя желать.
И умной, чтобы в письменной тетрадке
Как в детстве, красовалось “пять”.

Ну а подарок. Что бы тут придумать?
Опять поцеловать тебя в засос?
Конечно, но еще добавлю
От сердца лично …